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Gol D.Roger was the Captain of the Roger pirates and commanded one of the most famous & notorious pirate crews in history. The Roger Pirates are the only crew to reach Raftel, the end of the New World in the Grand Line. Roger’s crew was known to be the strongest crew to sail the Grand Line. Even though the crew disbanded, the Marines would never allow the crew to be forgotten. If a crew member is encountered, the Marines cannot simply let them go. In sync with the current OP arc, 10 members of the Roger pirates have been revealed. Today, we’ll discuss about these Roger Pirates. Let’s Begin- 10. Buggy- Buggy the ‘Star’ Clown is the captain of the Buggy Pirates. He served as a cabin boy on Roger’s ship with Shanks where he accidentally swallowed the Chop-Chop DF (being surprised by Shanks) and got his powers. It was annoyingly against his plans (to retrieve an underwater treasure) and thus he started loathing Shanks. He was a part of the crew when they fough...


There are lots of major differences in One Piece anime and Manga. There are some scene especially in the Anime that have to be  deleted because of some incident or censorship. Most of the scene have to be replaced to somewhat home-friendly.

This is the top 10 List of Anime-Manga Differences in One Piece

10 Sanji gets stabbed by Absalom

Originally in the Manga, Sanji gets stabbed by Absalom. In the broadcast version, the scenes changed due to the resemblance  of Akihabara massacre in which a man fatally stabbed at least 12  people with a dagger. Therefore the scene is changed from Sanji
get stabbed in the back to being kicked.

9. Whitebeard face gets melted

In the manga, after Akainu melted off a portion of his head, Whitebeard lost his left eye and the left side of his mustache(this was changed to just losing the left side of his mustache in the anime) and a second, bigger hole in the stomach was also dealt by Akainu in the anime).

8. Law Give Kid the Middle Finger

Originally in the manga, when Law met Kid in the auction house, he notably showed Kid his middle finger. In the anime, this was censored with Law simply giving Kid a smug look

7. Arlong shot Bell-mere in the head

In the manga, Arlong shot Bell-mere and killed her but in the anime arlong shot Bell-mere in the chest.

6. Luffy gets hit in the head

Another anime-manga difference was during the battle at Syrup village. In anime, Luffy  and his crewmates were fighting Captain Kuro crew. Then suddenly Jango threw chakram at Nami but Luffy caugh it with his teeth. But in the manga, the Chakram hits Luffy in the back of his head. 

5. Bartolomeo cut strangers tongue

In manga, when a person insulting Luffy, Bartolomeo heard it and cut his tongue. In the anime, he just simply let him go.

4. Luffy versus Hody

In the anime, Luffy fought against Hody in which he suffered heavy injuries. In the manga, Luffy one shots him when he gets serious

3. King Kong Gun

When Luffy used his King Kong Gun against Doflamingo in anime, we saw doflamingo string piercing through Luffy armament Haki. In the Manga, Doflamingo strings were not able to pierce through King Kong  Gun. Instead, he is sent flying within second.

2. Ace tattoo

At first Ace's Tattoo originally look like swastika but later changed like the cross symbol.

1. Zeff ate his own leg

In the anime, Zeff's leg caught on debris during the rescue, and he had to cut it off in order to get Sanji and save them both. He does this by wrapping a chain around the trapped leg and letting the force of the ships sever it.

In the manga he actually loses his leg on the tall, rocky island they wash up on. After giving Sanji all his food and lying to the boy that the larger bag that he kept himself were his rations (knowing that the boy would never accept it if he found out that he had no food with him at all, only treasure), he smashed his leg off with a large rock and ate it to stay alive


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